Category: Engel’s Angle

Engel Update 2018

2018 has been an interesting year, in just about every sense of the word. The year started with Joelle home for the holidays. And of course, the calves started showing up as well.       January saw me in Las Vegas (or as I like to call it, Lost Wages) for a World Wide…

Engel Update 2017

The Pool Table After many years of wanting one, we finally have a place where we can put a pool table. So in early January (01/02/17) we got one. It was fascinating to watch it being put together (complicated!), but the delivery/set-up guys loved where it was going (right inside our front door!). Best of…

Engel Update 2016

2016 has been an interesting year for the Engel family.  And it started out white! Snow in Tennessee!   So yes, it does snow in Tennessee!  This picture is from a Friday morning early in the year.  Sure enough, we got a call that afternoon that church was canceled for Sunday due to the snow….

Scriptural Officers

In The Baptist Faith and Message Section VI. The Church, it states “[the church’s] scriptural officers are pastors and deacons.”  Based on my research this is not the church officers shown in Scripture.   Poimen is only translated “pastor” in Eph 4:11 (KJV & NKJV), where it is included in a list of people given to…

Engel Update 2015

For those of you who may not know, the biggest change for the Engel family in 2015 is our move from New York to Tennessee. We are political refugees from the State of New York!  No longer citizens of the empire, long live the republic!…

Jimmy Wayne Concert

Driving home we spotted a bill board for a Jimmy Wayne concert.  Sure enough, we went and had a great time. Joelle bought a copy of his book and got her picture taken.


[From Mikey’s Funnies] If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls, but do not show love, I’m just another decorator….

A Senator in Heaven

While walking down the street one day a Corrupt Senator (that may be redundant) is tragically hit by a car and dies.   …

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby – What was decided.

If you follow the news, politics or the courts at all, you’ve probably heard about the Hobby Lobby decision.  I’ve heard a lot of hype and hyperbole on both sides of this decision and wanted to discuss this decision from a purely Constitutional standpoint. At it’s heart, the question in Hobby Lobby was can the…

Join our new Constitution Study

{jcomments off}Many of you may have noticed the lack of understanding of what the Constitution says.  There are many opinions, some make sense others not so much, but relatively few seem to be based on what the Constitution actually says. John Jay said we should all read and study the Constitution to better know and assert our…