It’s the night after Pamela’s surgery.  Right now she’s dozing peacefully after a long and tiring day.


The day started at Dr. Freeman’s office with prep… settling in, getting her IV going, and everything else.  Most important, Dr. Freeman asked if she could pray before the surgery, which was an important and always appreciated step.  Then Pamela got her conscious sedation, and most of the rest of the day just melted away for her.


She had multiple teeth pulled, fillings replaced, and a partial plate fitted.  While she remembers a few of the questions she was asked, she doesn’t have any sense of when they happened.  I saw her about 1PM, then again about 3, shortly before she was finished.  After the surgery Dr. Freeman came and talked to me while Pamela was taken to the acupressure room.  Everything went well, but a little longer than expected due to repeated restroom breaks.  After about an hour, Pamela was done with her acupressure, and I went to collect her.  She was FAST asleep.  In fact, it took 10 minutes of persistent attempts to wake her.  She wasn’t aware of where she was and didn’t remember getting the acupressure.  She asked three different times if she had gotten the acupressure and didn’t remember asking.  After some water and a nice smoothie to drink, we went to the hotel.  She was wobbly, even more than normal due to the sedation, and rather groggy.  After about a 30 minute rest with an icepack she started regaining her senses, had some soup & deviled eggs (all soft food she can eat), and took some pain medication and her supplements.


Dr. Freeman called to make sure Pamela was doing OK and seemed very pleased with the fact that she was eating and taking her meds.  With 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off with the ice pack, she has been dozing on and off since we got here.  One more pain med before bedtime, then we’ll see how she is in the morning.

Thank you to all who have been holding her, Dr. Freeman, and her team up in prayer.

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