2018 has been an interesting year, in just about every sense of the word.
The year started with Joelle home for the holidays.
And of course, the calves started showing up as well.
January saw me in Las Vegas (or as I like to call it, Lost Wages) for a World Wide Technology’s sales meeting. I don’t like spending a week away from home, especially in Las Vegas, but it was good to spend time with my co-workers. These pictures are from the banquet, which is why we’re all dressed up.
My second cousin Naphtali Rothrock lives down here in Tennessee, too. We enjoyed the concert she gave, mostly on the church organ.
In the spring I got to attend a couple of conferences at the Gaylord Opryland Convention Center in Nashville, which is absolutely beautiful. Yes, I did some learning, but best of all, I got to catch up with some old friends.
When Pamela’s mother died the previous year, I had been named executor. In June I went back to New York to catalog her several hundred hand hooked rugs.
While there I used the opportunity to visit friends and family.
July brought the fun of fireworks, which I buy at our local voluntary fire department to use during cookouts with friends.

And I was again invited to give the opening prayer at the Mid-State Firefighter Showdown.
After three years, we finally purchased a farm vehicle so Pamela was finally able to get around and see the entire farm. I also use it to clean up around the farm.

On September 10th Pamela and I celebrated our 30th anniversary, a milestone indeed. I managed to surprise her for only the fourth time in those thirty years with a beautiful anniversary ring with diamonds and blue diamonds in a silver setting. We also had a party with our church family attending, which included much fellowship and more fireworks! A good time was had by all, and we made sure we scheduled it a week early (September 3rd) when Joelle was home on vacation and could be there for it, too.
September started a new chapter in our lives as well when World Wide Technology and I decided to part ways, which is a rather long, ‘no fault’ story. For the second time since coming to Tennessee God has changed our course while blessing us with yet another unique situation. Rather than finding a new job, Pamela and I decided I’d dedicate some of my time to writing and speaking. I’d already been writing a book about studying the Constitution, along with some smaller papers which are published on Amazon. I’ve also been podcasting and posting on Facebook. So far, God has blessed what we’re doing, and we pray to know His will for the future.
The end of the year came with warm temperatures, beautiful sunsets, a Christmas concert from Naphtali, and Joelle being home for a two week vacation. She will graduate in the beginning of March and then face the chore of moving all her things and herself home from West Virginia.
Like a circle, that puts us back where we started, as our new batch of calves have already started arriving.
We’re looking forward to what God has planned for us in 2019. We pray you have a blessed year as well.