{jcomments off}Many of you may have noticed the lack of understanding of what the Constitution says. There are many opinions, some make sense others not so much, but relatively few seem to be based on what the Constitution actually says.
John Jay said we should all read and study the Constitution to better know and assert our rights. While I’ve seen many ways of studying, it appears not many of us actually take the time to do it. Then one day I thought, why don’t we study the Constitution like some of us study the Bible? Why don’t we spend some time reading and discussing what the Scripture says? Why don’t we debate what is said about the Constitution and how it is being applied today?
While I can sit and talk with people around me, what about others? So I started a Constitution Study forum on my website. You can read more about it here. Please stop by and see what we’re talking about. If you have an opinion, register on the website and join the conversation. Maybe together we can all learn more about the documents that founded our nation.