Author: Paul

The Manhattan Declaration

NOTE: This is from The Manhattan Declaration website.   Christians, when they have lived up to the highest ideals of their faith, have defended the weak and vulnerable and worked tirelessly to protect and strengthen vital institutions of civil society, beginning with the family. We are Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians who have united at…

Adultery Handbook

I was talking to a friend the other day when the conversation turned to the discussion of adultery, specifically the meaning of the work “adultery” in Exodus 20:14.  My friend had a previous conversation with someone who stated that the Hebrew word translated “adultery” really means “a married woman having sex with someone other than…

Health care bill eliminates choice and competition

I know, I know… one of the goals of the health care reform bill is to “provide competition” in the industry.  That just doesn’t make sense to me and I think I finally came up with a way to explain it……

A Neighbor’s view of the NY 23rd Election

I don’t live in New York’s 23rd district, but I live near by and I’ve heard  an awful lot about it.  When the local republican party choose a left-of-center (Dede Scozzafava) candidate over a right-of-center one (Doug Hoffman) to go against the democratic candidate (Bill Owens) in the general election some interesting things started to…

Governing with Bribery

As I look at the state of campaigning for our governments offices (federal, state & local), I noticed one common theme.  It seems that just about everyone who is running for office is telling me either they will give me something or that their opponent(s) will take something away.  Since this is a common campaign…

Country Gentlemen Farm Show 2009

Joelle rode in her first horse show October 10th.  It was a benefit for one of the riders in the stable who has cancer.   Check out the pictures below. libigrow reviews воздухосборник Харьков

Joelle & Lucky

Lucky is the first horse Joelle rode at the County Gentlemen Farm. clenbuterol черный карандаш для глаз

At the Go Kart Track

While in Raleigh I found a go kart track… of course I had to bring the team along for some fun. raspberry ketone fresh fat burner стоимость внедрения crm

I went to a hockey game…

…but no fight broke out, but a good time with the Redbook team. generic cialis side effects best bcaas имплантация стоматология

Redbook Trip

I spent six weeks in Raleigh, NC writing a Redbook.  While there I met Pastor Martie Mangum and his family, (Pastor Martie & his wife are pictured here as well). willie mcgee masteron лобановский александр