Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?

Like many Americans, I find our National Anthem a powerful and moving song, even if it’s lyrics are often a stumbling block to the singer. Most of all, I am captivated by the last two lines of the first stanza: O say does that star-spangled banner yet waveO’er the land of the free and the…

Seeing Through A Glass, Darkly

While our country was started in the midst of many words, the core and the spirit can be boiled down to a few words from the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among…

New Year Reminiscences

Reminisce. My Webster’s says it means ‘to think, talk, or write about past events.’ And that’s what I’m doing here; I’m thinking, talking, or writing about events from the past year, and trying to put things into some kind of order. BAD or GOOD? GOOD or BAD? Sometimes it’s all one and the same, as…

Christmas Ghosts

At Christmastime every year I have a ritual I go through without fail: There are certain movies we as a family must watch together at least once during the holiday season. Some of those movies are fun (Holiday Inn) some are touching (White Christmas) and some are just plain feel good movies that take place…

One Week Later

After rereading the last posting so I don’t repeat myself, I can’t say that I have all that much to report except to say that things aren’t getting worse, but are improving instead. The pain in the upper right side is merely the pain of the two recent extraction sites, and both seem to be…

Three Days Later

It’s after 2:00 AM on Saturday morning, and I’m at the computer because I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. My usual night is to be awake and writing (on this blog or my book) for two or so hours, after which I’ll go back to bed and fall right to sleep. It’s…

Tooth Removal ABC’s

Monday came and my tooth hadn’t stopped hurting, so I made the dreaded call and arranged for another extraction. The first appointment they could give me with Dr. Stewart was on Monday the 20th, a day and time that would be very hard to deal with in that it would conflict with Joely’s riding lesson…

What’s Next

O.K., I admit it, I was pretty depressed last week. Well, maybe not depressed exactly, but certainly unhappy. I didn’t want to consider what might be coming next, and thought that maybe if I avoided thinking about it, it wouldn’t happen. But avoidance, as I’ve discovered before, doesn’t usually work, and it didn’t work in…

Money in Washington Pt.2

Whose money is it anyway? If you ask the political class this question, they will, of course, tell you it’s your money they’re using. But is that how they treat it?…


By Dr. Michael A. Halleen “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2) There’s a story that has become legend in a small Minnesota town. I can’t vouch for its truth, only that people tell it as though it really happened. It seems that the retiring mayor was to…