Category: Pamela’s Progress

Holding Pattern

Have you ever flown into a busy airport and then been put in a holding pattern because you have to wait to land? That happened to Paul and I on the way home from Hawaii in 2005, when we were flying in fom LAX to O’Hare and had to wait in line to land for…

The Treadmill

Back when I could still walk, I used to hate exercising on a treadmill: I’d spend a large amount of time pretending to go some where, but I’d never really arrive. The same feeling holds true for yesterday. We spent a large amount of time traveling to a dentist some distance away, but we really…

Which Way Do I Go?

Yesterday I was faced with the question of: Which way do I go? Having received an email list Monday of acceptable (as in, IOAMT accredited or approved) New York dentists that I could go to, I spent Tuesday doing the leg work–or should that be called the ‘finger work’ in this computer age? Whatever we…

Circumstantial Evidence

I began this morning in the company of Oswald Chambers and the books of Peter and James. Do not think it strange (see 1 Peter 4:12-13) that I might still be considering the ‘joy’ of the current circumstances of my life (see James 1:2). Or that I’d turn the page to today’s devotional and find…

For The Record

I’ve been internally debating my real reasons for writing down my thoughts about this journey I’m on, and it seems that I most feel I need to keep an ongoing record of my emotions (constantly see-sawing), the pain (unexpected), and the results (still uncertain). I never expected the difficult times I’ve gone through, and I…

The View (From Out On A Limb)

Well, it’s been nearly three days on the antibiotic, and the results haven’t been bad like they were the first time through. In truth, things have been a whole lot better, making me wonder if the fact that I was fresh out of surgery with a lowered immune system the last time what made the…

Out On A Limb (Again)

Well, I’m back on antibiotics again, even though Dr. Freeman can’t be sure long-distance whether I have an infection or a bad tooth because the symptoms are so similar. This seemed the easier route to start with for me though, because the pain is getting worse all the time. By yesterday it had migrated all…

A Cry For Help

Actually, that title should proably be ‘A Phone Call For Help’, because this afternoon I finally broke down and phoned Dr. Freeman in Texas. I’ve been avoiding using the teeth on the right side of my face because that was where I had the infection, and where I’ve also been having lingering pain. Feeling brave…

Five in the Morning

It’s five in the morning and I can’t sleep. There’s a reason for my insomnia–two reasons, really–and they’re called snoring and rain. When Paul is snoring I leave our bedroom for the couch in the Sunroom, which isn’t all bad because it’s extremely comfortable. Unfortunately, this morning it’s also raining. More like pouring, actually, and…

How Much Sleep Is Too Much Sleep?

I can’t believe it’s been six days since I last wrote! You might well ask: Where has the time gone? For me, most of it went to sleep! I’ve been sleeping an average of ten hours a night for a week, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight, because I still wake…