Category: Pamela’s Progress

Tales from the Caregiver

It’s the night after Pamela’s surgery.  Right now she’s dozing peacefully after a long and tiring day.   The day started at Dr. Freeman’s office with prep… settling in, getting her IV going, and everything else.  Most important, Dr. Freeman asked if she could pray before the surgery, which was an important and always appreciated…

A Day in Surgery

Hello,   Right now, Pamela is in surgery and I’m getting some stuff done back in the condo.  She probably won’t be very coherent when we get back, so I’ll probably make the post tonight.   However, I did want to write about our first consultation yesterday….


Today was my waiting day. It wasn’t really hard to wait because I got to sleep a little later (7:00 AM), have a good breakfast (that Paul cooked and cleaned up from), and then go for a massage with Trish (where I could just lie still and relax). How hard was that? I loved the…

At Nunnally and Freeman, Healthy Smiles for Life

Last Night’s meet and greet at Healthy Smiles for Life’s beautiful office only confirmed my decision for being here, and I was thrilled to see that these two Texas dentists weren’t just hype. Dr. Stuart Nunnally was a Texas gentleman personified, and Lane Freeman is a caring and confidence boosting woman that I could talk…

Hello from Texas!

Yesterday was a long day that extended long into the night. We got the day off early and well, and we were driven to Hartford, CT for our 1:05 PM flight by my in-laws. The hardest part there was saying goodbye to Joelle, so we managed that as quickly and as painlessly as possible. The…

A Note from Joelle

I would just like to thank all the people who are praying for my parents for their trip. I would also like to thank my grandparents (Nonni and Poppy) for taking me and the dog for the two weeks my parents are gone, my other grandma for feeding our two cats, and for many other…

Where I Am With ‘I AM THAT I AM’

I am always amazed by the ‘coincidence’ of reading something in my Bible or my devotionals at the exact moment in time I need to hear what it has to say. The thing is, I’ve never considered that coincidence at all, but the working of the Holy Spirit. On this past Saturday morning (O9/25/10) I…

Where I Am Going

Last week I started off PART ONE by bringing everyone up to date on the path my life has taken over the past twenty or so years. Despite all the facts listed, I don’t want anyone to think I’ve spent that time focused on illness alone because I haven’t, and there were many, many happy…

Where I Am

PART ONE:   As I began to think about how I wanted to start this blog, I decided I first needed to address some questions people might logically ask me: Why are you making this trip to Texas? Is this planned trip to treat your MS–or is it for dental work? Are you going to…

Travel Arrangements

I’ve been making travel arrangements.  So far everything has been working out well.  I want to thank those who have offered to help, from my Step-Mom & Dad watching Joelle & the dog to the Horsts, Knoxes & Pamela’s mother for keeping Joelle busy (and giving my parents a break ….