Category: Pamela’s Progress

Nine and Nine

Welcome to the wonderful world of sleep! I had nine hours of sleep two nights ago and nine more last night, which is why I didn’t have the extra time to blog. My body is craving sleep, and I can nap or fall asleep at the drop of a hat–or is that the drop of…

A Brighter Morning

You know, I think I’ve forgotten what it feels like to wake up feeling good! This morning was my first reintroduction to that phenomena, and it pleased me greatly. Seven hours of sleep, though broken in the middle, was the most sleep I’ve had in a very long time. It changed my view of the…

My Day Of Rest’s Rest

Up early, on the road, on the planes (plural, because it took two take-offs in Texas, from Austin to Dallas-FortWorth, and then Dallas-Fort Worth to Hartford, Connecticut), and then in the car twice (from Hartford airport to the New York grandparents, and then from the New York grandparents to our New York home); that was…

Ups and Downs

I’ve been warned by multiple people that this journey we’ve embarked upon will be a series of ups and downs, and I can confirm that that’s been true. Our trip here has been a roller coaster ride, and up and down hardly describes it. The first week’s progress was negated by most of the second…

After The Long Road

It’s Friday, and the Clinic has come to an end. I’m still not sure how it went, not really, but I need to put down some thoughts and see how it all shakes out. In case you couldn’t tell, I was discouraged last night, and I was struggling with unfulfilled expectations. What hadn’t happened is…

The Long Road

Yesterday was a long day with lots of changes. We started our day at the conference room at the hotel at 10:00 AM, which gave us a comfortable morning arrival time. At 11:40 we had an appointment at Healthy Smiles to get my new bio-compatible crowns, and after the usual fitting time I was finally…


Hey, guess what? Take a visit to the dentist, add in few new pain pills, and voila: instant sleep! I finally got my much wanted (and needed) sleep, even if it was only four hours. The thing was, it was four straight hours, and I awoke feeling immensely better. This afternoon I was able to…

A New Puzzle

This weekend was not the weekend I expected-or wanted-it to be. I woke up Sunday morning after having a second night of very little sleep (two nights of three hours each). In those hours of un-sleep I began to become a little unhinged. I was angry at Paul for snoring and waking me up, and…

Saturday morning cartoon!

This morning I feel like a cartoon character, sort of like Wile E. Coyote in free fall, still going down but not having landed yet! (And somewhere, in the distance, I’m positive the Road Runner is standing there at the edge of the cliff, laughing at me. Beep, beep!) I’ve been up and down these…

What Happened to Wednesday?

You can make fun of me all you want (I can handle it!), but Wednesday was the single best day of dental work I have ever undergone. With absolutely no insult to Dr. Freeman intended, I mean ‘best’ because I was totally out of it and don’t remember a thing! I hate trips to the…