How do you know if a politician is lying?

How do you know if a politician is lying?  Their lips are moving! I’m sure we’ve all heard this joke before. While we all recognize that exaggeration can make good comedy, this particular statement tells a lot about our society….

The First Year

Sunday, October 2, was our one year anniversary since Paul and I made our first trip to Texas. I can’t believe it’s already been that long, or that so little has changed. I was so hopeful back then, but the reality is so much less than I’d hoped for that I’d can hardly remember my…

New Medicine – New Hope

The last time I wrote I had mentioned that I’d planned, over this past week, to go back and reread last fall’s postings to this blog to review where I was then and what I was hoping to accomplish by this journey I’d undertaken, but that didn’t happen. I’d forgotten that Joely and I would…

What’s Going On Now

Now that the excitement of preparing for hurricanes and dealing with their aftermath has faded (for us at least), the focus has shifted back to what’s happening on the health front. My ability to walk has continued to deteriorate, and there is no good news to be seen there. We have been waiting since the…

Less Than Expected

Hurricane Irene turned out to be less than expected, for us at least, though I’m not discounting the problems she’s caused all the way up the northeast for everyone else. We somehow ended up in a protected area as the storm split and went around us in two directions, traveling up the state of New…

Battening The Hatches

This will be the shortest entry to date as we “batten the hatches” and get ready for the coming storm this evening or tomorrow morning. We are not used to having the kind of weather that is predicted with Hurricaine Irene’s arrival, and though we are miles inland, we are directly in it’s expected path….

I Don’t Believe This!

You know, of all the things that were depressing me last week, the worst was a low level worry I didn’t even mention. Because underlying all the reasons for feeling low laid this one, something I didn’t even want to think about: I’m having new tooth pain. That realization distressed me so much I couldn’t…

Am I Depressed?

I’ve been trying to figure out what to call this posting and “Am I Depressed?” was the best I could come up with. While emailing my Clinic friend in Florida, I found myself going off on a rant that would be better served here. I feel like I’ve been having too many problems lately and…

Oh, Doesn’t That Just Figure?

As we closed in our Tuesday phone consultation with Dr. Huggins I was wondering what I would find out from my blood test results. And then–amazement of amazements–at ten minutes till 3:00 PM Tuesday afternoon as I sat waiting for the appointed hour, we had an short and rather violent rainstorm. Worse, at five of…

Acceptable Ranges

OK, they call it a blood ‘test’, and there really are answers to be found in the process. But sometimes, looking over the results, I have to wonder what we’re proving. Last week’s answers were a mixed bag, with things I can’t interpret without Dr. Huggins’ help. Thankfully, that’s coming next week, and I’m looking…